The Devil May Get Her Due

I wrote earlier about my husbands ex wife, well we had our custody battle and it went good for us. Custody went from joint custody with her having 51% say over all the decisions of their boys, to joint shared custody and she must include my husband in all decision! The judge also gave her alot of conditions that she must abide by! She must get a job, she has to put the boys in sports ,church, groups etc., She has to quit alienating the boys from their father, she has to quit interferring with his phone visitations, she has to be more flexable and accomadating to us, and her boyfriend must stay away from all visitation exchanges!! If she does not comply with this order then the judge said that she would be unable to provide a fit and proper enviroment for the boys and we would then get custody of them.

The decision was given on Tue. May 25 and my husband gets phone visitation with the boys every Sun Tue., and Thurs. from 7-7:30 well wouldn't you know it she disconnected her phone that Tues. after his decision! Then they weren't there on Thurs. to talk to. We were to get the boys on June 1 and because of all her court dates(for assault and battery on me) she was unable to finish the boys schooling(she does homeschooling) so she said we couldn't get them until June 7. When our attorney told her June 1 or else we got the however her boyfriend was at the exchange! So how many violations has she already committed? When we had the boys her phone visits are the same as his and she would never call on the right day or the right time.

My husand had to deploy so we had to give the boys back, and they didn't want to go. Since she got the boys back we tried to call on our day and her boyfriend told us that it was his house and his phone and to never call there again! Needless to say when my husband gets back from his deployment we are going to take her back into court for all of her violations and we pray that the judge will stick to his words of giving the boys to us! We finally won!! let's just hope that the judge will see all of her mistakes and do the right thing!!!